Beyond Participatory Production: Digitally Supporting Grassroots Documentary

We conducted a study to explore the values and qualities of ‘grassroots documentaries’, framed around the production of two parallel documentary films with a London-based opera company. A team of professional filmmakers produced one film and the other was an exploratory form of grassroots documentary. We studied the different production activities through observations, interviews and a reflective workshop at the end of the study and evaluated the resulting films. Our analysis reveals critical insights that could inform the next generation of technological systems to support user-generated video content (UGVC) production, particularly in collaborative contexts such as grassroots communities.

Green, D.P. ; Bowen, S.J.; Newell, C.; Schofield, G.; Bartindale, T.; Crivellaro, C; Sheikh, A.; Wright, P.; Olivier, P. (2015) “Beyond Participatory Production: Digitally Supporting Grassroots Documentary”. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Pp. 3157—3166, New York, NY, ACM DOI


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