Although we have a small core team, i-Docs is community led site and we’re always keen to hear from you! Join our Facebook group, follow us on Twitter or drop us an email via our contact page.
Judith Aston

As co-Director of i-Docs, Judith brings understanding and vision, based on nearly thirty years of experience in the field, to the ongoing expansion and development of the i-Docs community. She started her career by working on pioneering projects with Apple Computing, the BBC and Virgin Publishing, completed her PhD on interactive documentary in 2003, and co-initiated the first i-Docs symposium in 2011. Her ongoing work with i-Docs on strategic development, convening the symposia and contributing to the website is part of her role as a Senior Lecturer in Film and Media at UWE, where it plays an integral part in both her teaching and research interests. She has a particular interest in pushing at the edges of i-Docs, looking at where they intersect with areas such as digital publishing and live performance, and making sure that technological possibilities are placed within a broader cultural and critical context. This perspective is heavily influenced by her own background in Anthropology and by her ongoing interest in i-Docs as a means through which to represent multiple points of view and encourage intercultural dialogue. With this in mind, she continues to work as a producer/advisor on i-Docs projects, lectures internationally on the subject, and provides specialist input into festivals and training programmes.
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21st Century Filmmaking
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Sandra Gaudenzi
Sandra is co-Director of i-Docs. She initiated the i-Docs conference in 2011 with Judith Aston and Jon Dovey, gave it its name, and started its website and Facebook page, which is now a successful open resource for our global i-docs community. She regularly blogs about i-doc matters on both i-Docs and
Sandra also co-curates the WebDox conference in Leuven, speaks at conferences, both in the UK and internationally, and is visiting lecturer at LCC and Goldsmiths. She was a mentor on the REACT Future Documentary Sandbox and is one of the curators of the MIT Open Documentary Lab docubase. Her PhD on interactive documentary has contributed to the i-docs emerging academic literature, so has the i-Doc special edition of The Journal of Documentary Studies that she co-edited in 2013, and her chapter in New Documentary Ecologies (2014).
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Interactive Factual
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Mandy Rose

Mandy is co-Director of i-Docs. She takes responsibility for strategic direction and manages the team. Mandy got involved with i-Docs as a contributing editor to the website in 2011 and co-convened the 2014 Symposium.
Mandy’s contribution draws on her experience in pioneering participatory and interactive projects at the BBC. She was co-founder and producer of BBC 2’s “mass observation” camcorder project – Video Nation (94-2000), Executive Producer of the Capture Wales digital storytelling project (2001-2007) and of MyScienceFictionLife (2006) (Webby Honoree). Her research looks at the intersection between documentary and network culture – from co-creation to Virtual Reality.
Mandy is a frequent invited speaker at academic and industry events both in the UK and internationally. She was an advisor on the REACT Future Documentary Sandbox and is one of the curators of the MIT Open Documentary Lab _docubase. Mandy’s writing on emerging documentary appears in The Journal of Documentary Studies (Intellect Books 2013), The Documentary Film Book (Palgrave 2013) and DIY Citizens; Critical Making and Social Media (MIT Press 2014.)
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Collab Docs
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Julia Scott-Stevenson

Julia is a research fellow with Digital Cultures Research Centre in interactive factual media. She produces the i-Docs Symposium, and works with researchers and industry to explore the field of i-Docs as well as communicate developments through i-Docs channels. Julia is also an Immersion Fellow on the
SWCTN project, researching how immersive media experiences can help us envision preferred futures. Julia holds a PhD in i-docs and social impact, for which she created the i-doc
Giving Time. Previously she programmed films and developed the innovation strand for Antenna Documentary Film Festival.
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Contributing Editors
Jess Linington

Jess has worked on the multiple aspects of i-Docs since 2012; as editor and contributor to the website, community management and marketing across the i-Docs social media channels, as a producer for the i-Docs symposium and maintaining constant research in the evolving field. Her research interests lie within new techniques and technologies and their use within storytelling, with focus on the future of journalism.
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Arnau Gifreu

Arnau Gifreu is a Professor of Communication and Multimedia Studies at ERAM (University of Girona) and ESCAC (University of Barcelona) . He is a Doctor in Communications and has a master’s degree in digital arts from the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). Gifreu has published various books and articles in his research area, interactive and transmedia non-fiction, and specifically on interactive documentaries. As well as being a part of the i-Docs group, he is also a research affiliate with the MIT Open Doc Lab. In terms of research stays, he has been a research lecturer at Harvard University (Harvard Metalab), York University (Future Cinema Lab) and Universidad de los Andes (Ceper, Colombia). He has worked and collaborated in direction tasks for television stations such as 25TV and TVC (Televisió de Catalunya) and production companies such as Tasmania Films and MediaPro.
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Personal website
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