Voices From the Blue Nile: using digital media to create a multilayered associative narrative

This article outlines work in progress in relation to a collaborative project between me as a multimedia designer and Oxford anthropologist, Professor Wendy James. The aim of the collaboration is to explore new possibilities for using digital media to create a multilayered associative narrative. The article describes our ideas about how computers can be used to combine, recombine and juxtapose moving image clips alongside photographs and sound clips to convey ideas about landscape, memory, continuity and change in relation to a long-term ethnographic study of upheaval and displacement. It makes the assertion that, by using techniques of on-screen juxtaposition and enabling users to interact with the materials presented, powerful new possibilities can be created through which to communicate ideas and arguments. In looking at these possibilities, the article describes what has been achieved to date, considers key sources of inspiration, makes suggestions for further research, and contextualises the work within the fields of anthropology and documentary studies.

Aston, J. (2008) “Voices From the Blue Nile: using digital media to create a multilayered associative narrative”. In: Journal of Media Practice Vol 9 Issue 1, Pp. 43—51,

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