Waves of potentiality: Some thoughts on database narratives and the digital dissemination of audio-visual practice research
I’m currently completing the dissemination stage of my practice/research (P/R) AHRC Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts. The ‘outcomes’ of the project include a linear finished film, some text in the form of articles, along with the selection of other materials, including rushes, stills and more text (both academic writing, article journals and more speculative/creative material).
Dowmunt, T. (2007) “Waves of potentiality: Some thoughts on database narratives and the digital dissemination of audio-visual practice research”. In: Journal of Media Practice Vol 8 Issue 1, Pp. 39—48, DOI https://doi.org/10.1386/jmpr.8.1.39_1
Categories: Journal Article
Tags: autobiographical documentary / database narrative / DVD disemmination / peer review / practice research / video diaries