Digital Bristol week: i-Docs lab

A couple of weeks ago, i-Docs presented at the BBC Digital Bristol week, if you missed it don’t worry – we have all the talks here courtesy of the BBC:

[youtube] Judith Aston, Sandra Gaudenzi, and Mandy Rose – i-Docs Lab 1: Key Concepts for Understanding i-Docs

[youtube] Max Whitby – i-Docs Lab 2: Meet the Producers of 2 Success Stories

Max Whitby is co-founder and CEO of Touchpress, a company whose aim is “to create a new kind of book that makes use of emerging technology to redefine the book, reinvent publishing, and forever transform the act of reading.” – find out more here.

[youtube] Patrick Uden – i-Docs Lab 2: Meet the Producers of 2 Success Stories

Patrick owns Uden-Media, a micro-indie consultancy service (with an awesome ‘Free Advice’ page) – read more about him here.

As we will not be running an i-Docs symposium in 2013, we hope to be running more labs over the course of the year – interested? Find out more: i-Docs Lab