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Don’t miss out: 3 Awesome talks from SXSW so far

Not everyone can be at SXSW and despite regular updates via twitter, it’s incredibly hard to not feel like you’re missing out, particularly when you know you’re missing things like this:

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However don’t be too downhearted! The folks at SXSW are incredible at sharing and have been uploading talks to Soundcloud throughout the festival allowing you to keep up with some of the amazing conversations happening there. Here are a few of my favourite so far:

Spreadable Media: Value, Meaning & Network Culture
“How can we better understand how content circulates within contemporary networked culture? The collective decisions people make about whether to pass along content are profoundly reshaping the media landscape…” Read more.

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The New Nature vs. Nurture: Big Data & Identity
“A baby born in the US today will live an algorithmed life. Her education, healthcare, career, who she dates, the ads she sees, what she reads, eats, buys, will be shaped by a feedback loop of data collected, processed, fed back to her, collected, processed, fed back to her. We call this the new nature and the new nurture…” Read more.

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Muppets to Mastery: UX Principles from Jim Henson
“Jim Henson started working as a puppeteer in 1954, a fair 40-50 years before many of us even considered User Experience as a career. He did, however, take it upon himself to apply many of the core principals that UX Designers are falling love with today…” Read more.

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There’s loads more talks available on SXSW’s Soundcloud, so make sure you take a look: