Filmmakers & web developers to join forces at Popathon Hack Jam

Creative technologist Philo van Kemenade and documentary filmmaker Gilles Pradeau have joined forces in bringing together filmmakers and web developers to collaborate on interactive web-based stories. With the web showing more and more opportunities as a medium for interactive storytelling, collaboration beween software and story becomes a key asset in the production of new media narratives.

In collaboration with the Mozilla Foundation, they are organising the Popathon Hack Jam, which will take place on 11 May at the London Mozilla office. The event will introduce Popcorn.js, web technology developed by Mozilla that integrates the web into media production. Participants will get   hands-on experience prototyping real-world projects that will be demoed at the end of the day.

Web makers playing with popcorn

You can find more info and sign up at