I’d Hide You – by Blast Theory

POST UPDATE: So this event’s been and gone now, but you can read a great review of it:

A highlight of the festival was Blast Theory’s contribution, I’d Hide You, a live-action game based in the streets of Manchester’s Northern Quarter. As Blast Theory’s runners, each dressed in a distinctive uniform and equipped with a video camera, ducked and dived through the streets, festival goers were encouraged to log on to their website and get involved with the game online. The charm of the game was the runner’s live video feed. By choosing a particular runner to follow, the online player was taken on their journey through the streets, listening in on their engaging commentary, interacting with passers-by and being exposed to the Northern Quarter in a new, exciting way… >> Read More

They have done it again… Blast Theory is experimenting again with real/virtual action in city streets. This time it will be runners in the streets of Manchester that you will be able to follow online, or in the city itself, and you will need to take a picture of them…
Their trailer says: “this is not a game, this is a live transmission”. That is what Blast Theory is good at: extending games to our lives… and playing with our perception of reality.
OK, I’d Hide You look more as a game than a documentary but… could it be used, as a technique, in interactive documentary making?
It is happening tomorrow, the 17th, in Manchester. And you can participate from your home…
Have a look to I’d Hide you‘s trailer…

