Martha Ladly is a Professor at the OCAD University in Toronto, Canada, and a senior researcher at the OCADU Mobile Experience Lab. She specializes in technology and design research, has been the Chair of the Research Ethics Board (2008-2011) and led the design of the recently launched Graduate Program in Digital Futures at the university. Martha was the Principal Investigator and leader of the Mobile Nation International Conference at OCADU, and is the co-editor of the anthology Mobile Nation: Creating Methodologies for Mobile Platforms, published by Riverside Press. Prior to her academic career Martha worked as a musician, performer, and writer with an international recording career as both a band member and solo recording artist. She earned two certified gold discs, numerous top-ten singles and albums, and a Canadian Juno award. She then went on to work for ten years as the Head of Design with Peter Gabriel for Real World, leading design teams for numerous award-winning music, video, and interactive projects.

Martha Ladly – Mobile Communities at Work and Play
Below are Martha Ladly‘s slides and text from her presentation at i-Docs 2012.