Keynotes from Robin McNicholas (Marshmallow Laser Feast) and Carmen Aguilar y Wedge (Hyphen-Labs)
Hacking Documentary: Beyond Traditional Storytelling – 1979 Revolution Game
A keynote from Vassiliki Khonsari (iNK Stories)
Things to come: The possible future of documentary from a historical perspective.
A keynote talk by William Uricchio (MIT)
Interrogating Audiences: What do we mean by engagement and evaluation?
Keynote talk by Kate Nash (Leeds University)
Inside the Distance: Affectivism and Activism
Keynote talk by Sharon Daniel (University of California)
Collaborative Models
Keynote talk from Hank Willis Thomas and Natasha Logan (Question Bridge)
Florian Thalhofer
A keynote by Florian Thalhofer, found of Korsakow