Blogs & websites about i-docs:
Interactive Documentary (i-Docs) – our very own scoop it site where we agglomerates i-docs blogs, tweets and articles coming from the web.
Documentary Evolution – a scoop it site by Mirmilla that is always up to date with what is hot in i-docs land.
The Digital Rocking chair – a scoop it site by Fiona Millburn about transmedia in the digital age.
Collabdocs – a blog about the intersection between documentary and Web 2.0. By Mandy Rose (Digital Cultures Research Centre, University of the the West of England). – PhD research website by Sandra Gaudenzi (Goldsmiths, University of London). You will find here critical entries about new i-docs projects, a PhD blog and all her PhD chapters.
Interactive Documentary – Section of the personal website of Arnau Gifreu (Universitat Ramón LLull / Universitat de Vic, Spain). Contains research, presentations, publications, prototypes and courses. Blend of research, teaching and production in this area.
Documental Interactiu – Section of the personal website of Xavier Berenguer (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain).
The TMC Resource Kit – A Transmedia, Multiplatform, Convergence online “how to” kit for people that want to learn more about this field. Great transmedia in depth case studies. Created by Dr Siobhan O’Flynn andAnthea Foyer.
Living Docs – An initiative founded by Mozilla and the Tribecca Film Institute to facilitate the learning of i-docs skills. They organize hack days, mentoring, training and they co-finance some projects.
MIT Open Documentary Lab – Launched in Spring 2012 this MIT Lab aims at bringing together technologists, storytellers and scholars to forge new interesting i-docs. – a very comprehensive French website by Louis Villers where you will find interviews, blogs, case studies and French i-docs news.
Le Blog Documentaire – a website by that goes deep into documentary production and new trends (all in French though…).
New_Documentary – an initiative of Adrian Miles: an email list for people wishing to discuss i-docs matters at an academic level.
i-docs portals:
NFB/interactive – a portal through which to browse all of National Film Board of Canada’s i-docs projects to date.
DocShift – the most comprehensive archive of i-docs to date, by the Documentary Organization of Canada.
idfa DOCLAB – show-casting the amazing international range of webdocs presented at idfa DOCLAB so far.
TFI Sandbox – all the projects sustained by the Tribeca Film Insitute… and more.
Arte Webproductions – the entire collection of webdocs produced by Franco-German television Arte.
Le Monde Webdocumentaire – all the webdocs produced by French newspaper Le Monde.