This is an online interactive documentary about how to make an online interactive documentary. It is an initiative which has been borne out of my Masters Research undertaking at the Australian Film Television and Radio School titled: Documentary Producing and Interactive Platforms, Opportunities, Evolving Processes and the Changing Craft. My hopes for this site are that it is used as a resource for emerging filmmakers and generates conversation around transmedia & interactive multiplatforms for documentary and that it will act as a hub for collaborations and networking opportunities. It is a ‘work in progress’.
The website hosts a web series called ‘The Journey of Documentary’, with featured interviews from documentary filmmakers/radio, screen content producers, social media experts, games developers and innovators of documentary. The website also features a crowd sourced timeline which looks at the evolution of documentary and a Test Kinema which invites filmmakers to screen their teasers and trailers and receive feedback.
This post is by Atalanti Dionysus whose thesis can also be found on the website which highlights some of her findings and new innovations in interactive documentary, you can also connect through Facebook.
Atalanti developed and built the website, as well as directed, filmed and edited all the interviews and is also currently in development on a linear documentary about ‘The Journey of Documentary’.
If you are working on a project, whatever stage it’s in, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us via idocsinteractive@gmail.com or the Facebook group.