the UX Series Q4: who is the user?

Our previous question in the UX Series was: what is purpose in an i-doc? Purpose is important because it encapsulate, hopefully in one sentence, the shift that we want the user to have while going through our interactive experience. Purpose is NOT our own reason to produce a story, but rather the effect we want it to have on the …

The UX Series, question 2: what can we learn from game design?

The UX Series is going ahead… and today Daniel Burwen (Operation Ajax) and David Dufresne (Fort McMoney) explore the question: “what can i-doc producers learn from game design”? Two weeks have passed since Paula Zuccotti, Ingrid Kopp and Jason Brush opened the debate on “what can we learn from design thinking that could be useful when starting an i-doc production”. By looking at their contributions, …