PttP Cross Media Forum: top 3 interactive presentations

If, like me, you didn’t get the chance to attend the 2014 Power to the Pixel Cross Media Forum, you can now catch up with the presentations online! Here are the top 3 to watch if your focus is on interactive work and once again it’s great to see makers lay projects bare; sharing inspiration, discussing their failures and providing details …

Virtual Reality: here, there and everywhere

Virtual reality is certainly the flavour of the month, year and by the looks of things, next year too. But with such a focus on the technology, is there a danger good storytelling can get lost? Much like the rest of the interactive documentary field, virtual reality is just another piece of technology and the medium must suit the message. This was …

Listen up: music, journalism and interactive storytelling

The ‘N’ Word, NSA Files: Decoded and Snowfall are all great examples of interactive journalism which have garnered a lot of attention over the last couple of years – but alongside this, there’s creative things happening within music journalism that should not be ignored. A couple of years ago I saw Pitchfork’s beautifully designed, in-depth interview with Bat for Lashes (aka Natasha …

A Short History of Interactivity: the revolution was coming for some time

Benjamin Hoguet (Racontr) published this originally on, it has been reposted with permission. This article belongs to a larger collection of resources about interactive and transmedia storytelling. Sign up here to receive one new article a week! Each day there are more of us interactive storytellers. Because we enjoy the freedom of creating with fewer boundaries, because we could not take …

Learning, sharing and experiencing the “how” of Transmedia Storytelling

By Valentina Ciarapica and Suha Hazboun. This post originally appeared on Transmedia Storytelling Berlin and has been republished with permission.  During October, the Conducttr conference took place in London attracting creators, technologists, academics, producers, and all kinds of professionals involved in designing and producing transmedia storytelling projects. “Interaction” is the keyword that better defines this one-day experience: the program consisted in a series of talks given by …

Assent: the power of virtual reality storytelling

Last Friday we had the pleasure of hosting Oscar Raby in the Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol. As well as giving people the opportunity to watch his work Assent, on the Oculus Rift, he also gave a lunch time talk, outlining his journey towards producing a virtual reality documentary. In his talk, Oscar provided the context needed to understand what pushed him …

The Whiteness Project: confronting race through interactive documentary

It’s not often I will sit and watch everything within an interactive documentary project. I often skip sections, navigate past video or glance over text – this isn’t a criticism of the documentaries necessarily, it’s more the nature of the internet – sustaining attention for a long period of time on one site is not the norm. However, when I …

WiREDMŌV: is this the future of interactive documentary?

Although interactive documentaries are slowly gaining more recognition, their reach is often limited to academic circles, interactive documentary makers, or small communities already engaged with the field. Michael Blackledge is looking to change that with his new project WiREDMŌV; a platform that is intended to educate the public about interactive documentary and assist interactive documentary makers with distribution. Sandra Gaudenzi spoke …

Ingrid Kopp: A Field Guide to Interactive Storytelling

During the summer Ingrid Kopp, Director of Digital Initiatives at the Tribeca Film Institute, came to the Watershed, Bristol to give a talk on interactive storytelling. For members of the i-Docs community who weren’t able to attend, we’re pleased to be able to offer the full transcript, full of brilliant examples and analysis of these new forms of storytelling. Enjoy. Mandy Rose: …

Oscar Raby's Assent

i-Docs presents: multimedia designer and visual artist Oscar Raby

24th October 2014  1PM, Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol We’re pleased to announce that multimedia artist and interactive storyteller Oscar Raby is coming to Bristol to deliver a lunch time talk at the Pervasive Media Studio. Creator of the innovative and moving Assent project, Oscar is using virtual reality to tell the story of his father’s experiences in Chile during the …

Interactive documentary: articles, events & votes

There seems to be a lot happening in the world of interactive documentary this week! Incase you had missed our daily updates, In Media Res are currently curating a week of articles concentrated around the topic of interactive documentary. There have already been three pieces published, an opening provocation asking ‘Why interactive?‘; an examination of civic engagement and i-docs, focusing on …

Disaster Resilience Journal: interactive documentary on how we survive against natural disasters

Exciting news this week with the announcement of the Disaster Resilience Journal; an interactive documentary that examines how individuals, communities and countries around the world are building resilience in a landscape of climate change, and social, economic and cultural shifts. Funded by the European Commission’s Department for Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO), the project highlights its work with the International Federation …

Wander, Wonder, Wilderness Premiere at the ICA

Join Paul Turano on September 20th and 21st at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston for the premiere of his new film Wander, Wonder, Wilderness. This documentary project explores the urban wilds and parks of Greater Boston and celebrates the relevance of nature-based experiences in an increasingly consumption-driven technological world. One part history lesson, one part ecological perspective, and one …