It is sleek and it works; is this enough?

“Brèves de Trottoirs” (translatable as “Sidewalk Shorts”) is a 2010/2011 stylish French multi-platform documentary from writer Olivier Lambert and photojournalist Thomas Salva. The aim is to portray what they call “daily celebrities” living in  a complex city such as Paris. Their videos of Parisians with interesting backstories has appeared online and on television, and is in the process of becoming …

Situationist app

A suggestion: In the spirit of John Grierson, the Situationist App enables a ‘creative treatment of reality’   Try it on for size today….      

A good article about Alexandre Brachet

For all of you who are coming to i-Docs, here is a good article about Alexandre Brachet, CEO of Upian, and guest speaker at i-Docs.  Alexandre is going to speak about participation and collaboration with the audience at i-Docs so… here is a little introduction to a man who has pioneered web-docs in France, a man with flair…  one of …

Welcome to Pinepoint

Check out NFB’s latest production: Welcome to Pinepoint (January 2011!). This interactive documentary tells the story of a city that has been totally destroyed in the last ten years. Although the documentary is fundamentally linear (you can only press the next/previous tab and click on some photos) the quality of the narrative, and of the combination between graphics and video, …