Alternate Realities at Sheffield Doc/Fest

i-Docs research fellow Julia Scott-Stevenson gives a rundown of her visit to the Alternate Realities showcase at Sheffield Doc/Fest, with additional comments from Mandy Rose and Juliet Lennox. I’m handed a VR headset which feels disconcertingly wet when I place it against my face. At first I think perhaps the attendant has been slightly overzealous with cleaning it between users, …

i-Docs 2018 in sketches: part 1

There was immersion, there were interventions, there was innovation, and there was certainly impact. i-Docs 2018 proved a rich, intense, fruitful and inspiring event for presenters and attendees alike, running over three days from Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd March. To begin at the end – it wrapped up on the Friday evening with an enthralling and fast-paced talk from …

Final i-Docs 2018 tickets, and ‘Immerse Yourself’: a Showcase

Just over one week to go until i-Docs 2018 kicks of at Watershed, Bristol! The full programme has been released, you can peruse our packed schedule of keynotes, panels, workshops, work-in-progress presentations and more over on the symposium microsite. There are still a handful of tickets left, if you’re quick you can get one here. As part of i-Docs we …

Hyphen-Labs & Claire Doherty at i-Docs 2018, and early bird extended

Announcing new keynote speakers for i-Docs 2018!   Carmen Aguilar y Wedge and Ece Tankal, co-founders of Hyphen-Labs, join us to discuss their practice and present NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism – seen in 2017 at Sundance, SXSW and Tribeca Film Festival. We are also thrilled to be hosting a keynote address from Claire Doherty, Director of Arnolfini – the centre presenting the …

i-Docs 2018: Tickets now on sale + first speakers announced

i-Docs – the three day event dedicated to the expanding and evolving field of interactive documentary – is back for its 5th iteration in 2018, and we’re thrilled to announce the first round of speakers at the event! Get your tickets now to see talks by: Alexandre Brachet, Upian Liz Miller, Concordia University Sharon Daniel, UC Santa Cruz Mike Robbins …